About Us
AgroZ is a distribution and warehousing company based in Nairobi, Kenya
AgroZ (TGDL) is a distribution and warehousing company based in Nairobi, Kenya. We have been in operation since September 2012. The company was created sighting the growing customer needs for both large and small volumes from the range of products in agriculture and other industry lines. We partnered with A to Z group as the manufacturer for their years of expertise in this area, and since been their sole distributor for their wide range of products.
Our Partners
AgroZ has partnered with various stakeholders in the agricultural sector to disseminate information to grass root level. Some of our partners include:
- Food to Market Alliance – WFP
- Eastern Africa Grain Council
- Agriculture Society of Kenya
- Cereal Growers association
- National Cereal and Produce Board
- County agriculture staff and many more
We had embarked on a training and sensitizing drive in 2015 when we launched the hermetic range of products. Roadshows & several trainings we conducted across counties (at sub-county level) and vernacular radio promotions to create awareness.

With the help of A to Z, we participated & implemented the AgResult pilot program in Kenya. During this phase we greatly increased our presence as AgroZ brand in the market. This brought about the need for a lean and flatter distribution channel and keeping the goal of last mile distribution to SHF.
AgroZ has a total of 26 employees across different counties in Kenya, to aid in reaching out to the farming community with real time solutions. There are 11 sales agronomists covering various counties in the Western, Rift Valley and Eastern part of Kenya.
These counties include :- Trans Nzoia, Usain Gishu, Kakamega, Kericho, Nandi, Baringo, Laikipia, Nakuru, Narok, Bomet, Kisii, Homa Bay, Kisumu, Siaya, Vihiga, Busia, Bungoma, Migori, Machakos, Makueni, Kitui, Meru, Embu, Nairobi and Kiambu. A good fleet of vehicles enables us to cover and increase our penetration in to remote areas of these counties and beyond.

Our Distribution Channel
Our distribution channel has been set up to increase our penetration and service small holder farmer at the closest point of sale. We have close to 200 agro-dealers across the various counties who we service directly to reduce the cost of distribution channel.
Available Products
- Mosquito Nets
- Shopping Bags
- Transport and logistics
- Plastic Resin for manufacturing
- Agriculture products
- Woven Polypropylene bags
- Garments and Fabric
- Domestic Plastic products –
The above-mentioned products are made available in Kenya by AgroZ to increase our product footprint and provide a quality product at a competitive price. AgroZ operated a hub and spoke model, keeping stocks at respective sales agronomist locations to enable prompt supply and reduce lead time.
AgroZ is a member of EAGC, CGA, AAK, Coffee Society, FPEAK and many others. AgroZ Hermetic bag was the 1st Bag to get exemption from NEMA, having already met there from inception of the HST bag. TGDL is also an active partner with USAID-KAVES and SNV in efforts to promote reduction of Post harvest losses and Net houses for horticultural crops.