Aflasafe KE01
Fact Sheet
Aflasafe KE01 is a natural product that reduces aflatoxin in groundnuts, maize and sorghum. It is mainly roasted sterile sorghum that is coated with four non-poison producing types of Aspergillus flavus.

Did you know Aflatoxin is a poisonous mold produced by a fungus i.e. Aspergillus flavus and that its naturally occurring in soil and decaying plants? Further, it’s typically found in tropical regions like the Equator, parts of N. America, S America, Africa, Asia, Australia and subtropical regions like some parts of China, the Mediterranean basin, the Mexican plateau and Vietnamese Highlands.
Aflatoxin can’t be seen, smelt or tasted making it a silent hazard to humans and livestock. Usually, it contaminates food crops like ground nuts, maize and sorghum. Humans can also be exposed through milk and milk products. Of greater concern is that Aflatoxin poses an economic burden within the agricultural value chain e.g., historically, the high aflatoxin levels found in maize traded between Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya have more often than not resulted to import bans which in turn negatively affected food security, business operations and livelihoods dependent on the grain value chain. It is estimated that 25% or more of the world’s food crops is destroyed annually is partly attributed to Aflatoxin.
It requires an integrated approach where aflatoxins are controlled at all stages i.e., from the shamba to the table. In this regard, the AgroZ brand of products gives subsistence farmers the best full scale value chain intervention approach through:
Aflasafe KE01 – a biological control method that is economical and easy to adopt.
- AgroZ Tarpaulins – for drying grains and cereals to control mould growth and foreign material in farmers’ harvests. (Insert picture)
- AgroZ Bag Plus – a state of the art hermetic storage solution to control insect damage and mould growth on grains/cereals
AgroZ Maize Sheller – an affordable, hand held, simple maize shelling tool for small holder farmers.
Before using Aflasafe KE01, farmers should follow GAP (good agricultural practices i.e., weeding, ridging and topdressing) and should always ensures Aflasafe KE01 remains on the soil surface. For efficiency, it MUST be above ground.
Farmers should always broadcast Aflasafe KE01 uniformly at a rate of 4kgs per acre. Application should be done at the right crop stages i.e.
- Maize – at flowering stage
- Groundnuts – 30 to 35 days after planting.
- Sorghum – 40 to 45 days after planting.
Aflasafe KE01 is best applied when the soil is wet i.e., immediately after rains. Sometimes farmers can

How to use Aflasafe KE01
After making sure your farm is well maintained, spread the Aflasafe KE01 evenly throughout the farm at about 4kgs per acre and always ensure the Aflasafe KE01 remains on the soil surface
Why it Works
The Aflasafe KE01 formula is very potent against the toxin and gives no room for it to develop.